Best Food For Gouramis Fish

Best Food For Gouramis Fish (Ultimate Gouramis Fish Food Guide)

The gourami is a freshwater fish that comes in many varieties and their beautiful patterns and colors make them a popular choice in the home aquarium. However, caring for these fish requires careful attention and one of the most important parts of looking after them is ensuring a diet that is as close to their natural one as possible.

These fish are omnivores by nature and so require a carefully balanced diet to ensure that all of their nutritional needs are met. In this guide, we will be looking at how to feed your gouramis to help them thrive as well as showing you some of the very best food options that make feeding your fish easy and hassle-free.

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A Bit About The Gourami

Gouramis are native to certain parts of Asia and are commonly found in southern and eastern parts of the continent. These fish live in countries like Pakistan, Thailand, Malaysia, and China but there are also some species that are found much further east in places like Japan and Korea. Typically, these fish are found in slow-moving waters such as canals, rivers, and swamps but can also be found in temporary pools and wetlands.

There are various different species of gourami including smaller ones like honey, dwarf, croaking, and sparkling but all of the varieties are incredibly attractive and interesting to watch. The type of gourami will determine the right size tank and the smaller varieties that we have mentioned may be OK when housed in a 10-gallon tank. However, larger species like kissing gouramis may need a 55-gallon tank as these can get very big.

At the very extreme end of the scale, there are giant gouramis which can grow as large as two feet when they reach adulthood and these fish need much more space. 250 gallons would be the minimum appropriate aquarium size for these fish.

The gourami is typically a surface fish and they enjoy a lot of plant life towards the top of the water column. When kept in captivity, it is important to take heed of this as the more plants they have, the less stressed they will be and therefore, the more healthy.

One of the most interesting things about the gourami is that they have what is known as a labyrinth organ that functions in a similar way to a lung. This means that they are able to come to the surface and breathe air. However, this also means that they are liable to jump out of the tank so you should have a good, secure lid.

What Is The Natural Diet Of The Gourami?

Most species of gourami are omnivores and this means that they will eat a variety of plant-based and protein-based foods. Like many omnivores, the gourami will often prefer meat-based foods and in the wild, they are known not to be the fussiest eaters.

These fish will prey on pretty much anything that comes their way and this might include crustaceans. Molluscs, small fish, insects and their larvae. When it comes to plant-based foods, they have a penchant for algae which is great news if you’re looking for a fish that will help to keep this nuisance plant under control in the tank.

When it comes to keeping a gourami in captivity, you must try to replicate their natural diet as closely as possible. This can be achieved by offering live foods when you can but if this is too much of an inconvenience or you are unable to source live foods, then these fish do take very well to many of the dry foods that are on the market.

How Often To Feed Gouramis

As well as trying to provide your gouramis with the most natural diet possible, you should also endeavor to feed them as frequently as necessary. For the most part, adult gouramis will need a meal two times a day. However, if you only feed them once a day, this won’t do them too much harm provided they get enough from that one meal.

That said, if you can up your gourami’s meal times to three times a day then this is ideal. If you do this, then you will want to offer less food during each sitting to avoid leftovers remaining in the tank. The key is to avoid feeding your fish more than they can eat in the space of a few minutes. Many experts would agree that feeding just shy of what would completely satisfy their hunger is the best option.

You will want to mix up your gouramis diet offering a variety of different foods and setting up a feeding schedule is the best way to do this. A good example of this would be offering flake food in the mornings and then some frozen brine shrimp for their evening meal. If you are going to offer live foods then you really don’t need to do this anymore than once or twice a week as a treat.

What To Look For When Choosing Food For Gouramis

When it comes to choosing the best fish food for gouramis, you should keep in mind that selecting foods with the best nutritional benefit is always going to create healthy fish that grow well and whose immune systems are kept in check.

The good thing about these fish is that they will eat a huge variety of foods so let’s check out some of the best options and how they can be beneficial.

Fish Flakes

For the most convenience, there are a plethora of fish flakes and dried foods out there that are often considered to be the staple part of captive fish’s diets. We will look at some top products later on in this guide but first, let us explain the benefits of this type of food.

Modern dried foods are of an incredibly high quality and many fish keepers have come to rely heavily on these. However, we would never recommend using these foods as an exclusive option as there are advantages to mixing up the diet of your fish. Even so, your gouramis could thrive on these flakes alone.

But what you can expect from these fish foods is a great balance of all the most essential nutrients packed into one easy-to-use flake. They have a pleasant taste and texture that your fish will enjoy day after day.

Frozen Foods

For longer life as well as convenience, there are a range of frozen foods for gouramis that offer excellent nutritional value and play an important part in mixing up their diet. Things like daphnia, brine shrimp, mosquito larvae, and other insect-type foods are widely available.

The great thing about these frozen foods is that most of the nutrients are preserved and so they provide your fish with everything they need. There are also a lot of frozen products sold for saltwater fish such as clams that will also work well for freshwater gouramis.

If you don’t want to go for frozen foods, then there are also several types of freeze-dried foods including some of those we have discussed above.

Meaty Foods

As we have learned, the gourami relies heavily on protein-based foods and so offering ground beef heart is a common feeding technique. If you have younger fish then you may wish to blend the meat to make it easier for them to eat. However, once your gouramis get older, you will be able to pass the heart through the finest blade of your food grinder and offer this directly.

One of the greatest advantages of using ground beef heart is that it freezes very well. If you’re using this as more of a treat, you won’t need to worry about how long it will keep in the freezer. For the best results, store it in frozen balls. You can also mix the beef heart with gelatin for an even greater protein boost. Just make sure that you serve the food as little ‘worms’ as opposed to throwing it in as-is.

The Best Fish Foods For Gouramis

It is evident that there are many excellent types of food for gouramis but if you are looking for the most amazing then the following products are a cut above the rest.

Omega One Brine Shrimp

Omega One is one of the most reputable fish food producers in the world and these brine shrimp offer a great source of nutrition as well as being packed with protein. You gouramis will go mad for these shrimp that are packed with essential vitamins and minerals.

What’s more, the brine shrimp are safely packed and make a great alternative to live foods as the risk of parasites or bacteria is completely diminished.

TetraColor Tropical Flakes

One of the things that makes gouramis such an outstanding fish is their bright colors and it is essential to offer foods that not only promote good health but that also enhance their natural coloring.

These tropical flakes provide your fish with essential nutrients as well as probiotics and antioxidants. What’s even better is that these flakes won’t affect the quality of the water, leaving it clear and fresh.

Hikari Bio-Pure Freeze Dried Daphnia

Daphnia are a great source of protein for your gouramis and these freeze-dried ones from Hikari offer everything your fish need in a convenient and easy-to-use product.

The food is bursting with vitamins that promote excellent health but are particularly useful in reducing the stress levels of the fish which in turn helps to prevent stress-related illnesses. Clean and pure, the food will not cloud the water or affect its quality.


Gouramis are popular aquarium fish that are found in freshwater tanks all around the world. But if you are going to care for this stunning species then it is vital that you try your best to replicate its natural diet.

The gourami is an omnivore meaning that it eats both plant and meat-based foods. But in any case, it will always opt for meat as a preference. Things like daphnia, brine shrimp, and beef heart are all excellent options and the market is bursting with some great products that allow you to give your gouramis a nutritious and varied diet.