6 Best Fish Food For Mollies

6 Best Fish Food For Mollies: A Complete Guide To Selecting And Feeding

Mollies are a popular type of fish seen in many home aquariums owing to the fact that there are so many different species. Moreover, they come in a great range of colors and are relatively easy to care for. That said, this care becomes much more of a challenge if the fish are not given the correct diet. You see, a lot of health problems stem from diet issues so when you take on some mollies in your tank, it is important to provide them with the right food.

There are so many different fish food products out there that it can quickly become confusing when trying to choose the best option for your pets. But don’t worry, we have been spending some time trying out different foods and we feel confident that we have found some of the best on the market.

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Mollies Eating Habits

Mollies are omnivores which means that they will pretty much eat anything both plant and meat-based. In the wild, they live in shallow water in places like Mexico where they will chow down on a variety of foods including insect larvae and small, adult insects, smaller fish than themselves, crustaceans, and a range of plants and vegetables within the water.

When living in the wild, these fish will primarily feed on plants with meat being the secondary choice. One of their favorites foods is algae and this is one of the reasons that they make such popular additions to the home aquarium. If you aren’t keen on the idea of constant algae maintenance, these fish will certainly help you stay on top of things.

If you have a wide range of decorations, your mollies will readily devour any algae that forms on them as well as keeping the walls of the tank nice and clean and free from algae growth. On top of maintenance, staying on top of algae means that the water will be better oxygenated, proving that these fish are useful in more ways than one!

Now while they do love algae, mollies are also partial to the odd vegetable here and there. That said, they are rather picky eaters so it can take some trial and error before finding foods that your mollies will go crazy for. But that’s all part of the fun of getting to know your fish.

What Is The Best Fish Food For Mollies – Our Top Picks

One of the great things about owning mollies is that they are versatile eaters. If you find watching your fish eat to be one of the more enjoyable aspects of owning them, then the molly is an excellent species to consider; and as we mentioned, there are a lot of different ones to choose from. However, since they do have such a varied diet, it can be tricky to choose the right food between the plethora of choices.

Daphnia – Hikari Bio Pure

Daphnia can be purchased from most aquatic stores and on a range of online stores. However, we particularly favor the Hikari Bio-Pure freeze-dried daphnia for a variety of reasons. For starters, it is packed with multi-vitamins which are known to reduce stress and comes in an easy-to-use container. What’s more, this product does not cloud your water and contains no parasites or harmful bacteria meaning it is perfectly safe for your pets.

Daphnia is a small crustacean and mollies seem to go mad for it. The great thing about buying them for your fish is that they almost always come freeze-dried making them safe and long-lasting. This food is incredibly nutritious and features a wide range of vitamins, proteins, and minerals that are extremely beneficial to your mollies. You could, in theory, use this as a primary food and it would give them everything they need to thrive and remain healthy. Daphnia is also favored by many other creatures in your tank in both salt and freshwater settings.

Omega One Freshwater Flakes

If you are looking for an excellent all-round food for your mollies then this is one of the best products out there. The flakes have been designed to offer great nutritional value and can be used as a complete diet for mollies and a variety of other freshwater species. They are massively packed with vitamins and nutrients and feature a variety of plant-based ingredients which easily replicates the natural diet of these fish.

However, in addition to this, the Omega One Freshwater Flakes are packed with meat proteins. In order that your mollies retain their beautiful colors, beta-carotene is needed and these flakes are bursting with this. There are also excellent levels of omega 6 fatty acids which are vital for the immune system as well as aiding in digestion, keeping your fish in the best health.

They are easy to use and won’t just sink right to the bottom of the tank before the fish have had a chance to feed, keeping the water cleaner and more balanced. In addition, there are very low levels of ash in this food which further adds to how clean it will keep the tank. Moreover, this means that your fish will find it much easier to eat.

Tetra Bloodworms

One of the biggest issues with feeding mollies is that they can get bored very easily. This is likely owing to the fact that they have such a versatile taste. If you want to ensure that your mollies are kept as happy as they are healthy then mixing up their diet is a great way to do this.

We should point out that you shouldn’t use bloodworms as a staple part of your mollies’ diets but if you want to offer the occasional treat then they are a perfect option for this. They come freeze-dried which means that they are incredibly safe and won’t contain any nasties like bacteria or parasites. Moreover, they are packed with vitamins, proteins, and minerals that will hugely benefit the health of your fish.

It is important to keep in mind that bloodworms are primarily a meat-based food that don’t contain plant matter. This is one of the main reasons that they should only be given as a treat but if your fish needs a protein boost, these will effortlessly provide that. Some of the advantages of feeding bloodworms to your mollies are that the digestive system and immune system will remain very healthy. What’s more, they will aid in keeping the colors of the fish-rich and vibrant.

Omega One Brine Shrimp

If you are looking for a food for your mollies that is incredibly nutritious then these brine shrimp from Omega One make a great choice. They are bursting with proteins and vitamins that are vital to the health and survival of your fish and can be used in a variety of ways. They work well as a part of the main diet but can also be given as a treat.

Much like some of the other types of food, we have looked at, brine shrimp typically come freeze-dried which means that there is a vastly decreased chance of them having any parasites or harmful bacteria. While you may want to offer live food, there are risks in doing this, and freeze-drying doesn’t take away any of the nutritional value.

Another of the great advantages of using brine shrimp for your mollies is that this food is excellent at helping the fish retain their stunning coloration. Moreover, they will help in protecting the immune system for an all-round healthier fish and will ensure that the digestive system functions well.

San Francisco Bay Freeze Dried Krill

Krill and brine shrimp are very similar options but of course, there are differences between the two animals. One of the most notable is that they have a clearly distinct taste and can offer a little bit of variety for your mollies. Much meatier than other options, krill are perfect to use as an occasional snack for your fish.

That said, they are oozing with vitamins, minerals, and nutrients so when you do give them, your mollies will certainly get a boost. The only issue is that they are incredibly high in protein which is why we would suggest using them occasionally rather than as a staple part of the diet. But when they are given, your fish will get a great protein intake that helps growth and overall health.

In addition to this, krill contains a lot of calcium. This will help to promote healthy growth of the teeth, bones, and fins as well as the scales and gill covers.

Another thing that makes krill similar to other options like brine shrimp is that they also come freeze-dried. By now, we have learned that this ensures there is nothing harmful within the food but it will also help to prolong the life of the product, especially when compared to live or fresh krill.

Tetra Pro Algae

The Tetra Pro Algae fish food is a great choice if you are looking for a complete food for your pets. It is bursting with all the nutrients that your mollies need and is sure to keep them in the best health. Tetra is a specialist in various aquatic foods and this blend has been specifically designed for freshwater fish meaning that it is one of the best when you are looking for something to replicate the natural diet. If you have a variety of other species in your aquarium then this blend will also likely be suitable for them, this includes things like cichlids and barbs.

One of the biggest benefits of the algae flakes is that they are hugely advantageous when it comes to digestive health. But much more than this, they are also great for giving the fish an energy boost as well as helping them to grow healthily and steadily. Where color is concerned, the Tetra Pro algae will ensure consistent and beautiful coloration which is one of the biggest attractions of these fish.

The food is really easy to feed to your mollies and thanks to the clean formula, they won’t pollute the water or mess with its balance, keeping your tank beautifully clear!

Can I Give Vegetables To My Mollies?

The beautiful thing about owning mollies is that you don’t have to stick to ready-made fish foods options. Since these fish are known to eat a huge variety of plant-based foods, you might consider sharing your leftover veggies with your pets. This will save waste, help boost the health of your fish, and give them that much-needed variety.

You can choose from a wide range of vegetables for your mollies which might include spinach, bok choy, cucumber, dock, cauliflower, zucchini, green peppers, chicory, and broccoli.

That said, it is important to keep in mind that your mollies may struggle to eat hard vegetables. For this reason, we would always suggest boiling the veggies first to give your mollies a more easy-to-eat meal. Of course, also remember that when you put the vegetables into the tank, the further exposure to water will soften them more so when boiling them, make sure to only go so far to avoid them going mushy and sloppy in the tank.

Tips For Feeding Mollies

Regardless of whether you are offering food you have prepared yourself or a store-bought product, it is important to ensure that you take the right approach to feeding your mollies. These fish love to eat, so let’s try to make mealtimes as enjoyable as possible for you and them.

  • While mollies love their food, it is essential not to overfeed them as this can lead to some serious digestive issues.
  • As well as health problems, adding too much food to the tank can cause issues with the water, leaving behind too much waste.
  • You can provide your mollies a small amount of food and this should be done once or twice a day.
  • For molly fry, it is a good idea to stick with foods that are high in protein as this will encourage better growth. Things like bloodworms and brine shrimp are excellent choices here.


Mollies are seen in many freshwater tanks around the world, they come in various species and are one of the most popular choices thanks to the array of wonderful colors they come in. However, if you want to retain this coloration and keep your mollies in the best health, it is imperative that you offer them a good diet.

There are lots of great options for feeding these fish since they naturally crave a very varied diet. They will feed on both plants and meats meaning that you can create a very exciting menu for your pets. While there are options to buy a lot of different pre-made fish foods, some of which we absolutely recommend, there are also some ‘human’ foods that can be given including a selection of gently cooked veggies.

Meta description: Mollies are omnivores and there are a lot of great fish food products out there that have great nutritional value. Here are our top picks.