Can Shrimp Live With Neon Tetras

Can Shrimp Live With Neon Tetras? | Here’s Everything You Need To Know

Neon tetras are among some of the most popular fish to be kept in a freshwater tank. They are brightly colored and attractive fish that happily live in small groups and are a common sight in aquariums around the world. However, many people don’t only want to keep fish and opt for other aquatic life such as shrimp. But can shrimp live with neon tetras?

If you were looking for the perfect pairing then neon tetras and shrimp are about as close as you will get. These two animals will cohabit very well as they both have very similar requirements. Moreover, both creatures are very similar in terms of temperament so there is hardly any risk that they will fight or attempt to eat one another.

If you’ve chosen to take on a school of neon tetras and a few shrimp, you are in the right place. Keeping these animals together is simple and a great option for those who are new to fish keeping since they are both excellent starter tank species.

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Keeping Neon Tetras With Shrimp

Neon tetras and shrimp make excellent tank mates since both species have very similar needs in terms of water balance. Furthermore, their personalities match almost perfectly since both species are laid back and somewhat timid. It is considered that the neon tetra is one of the best fish for a community tank since it is highly unlikely to cause any problems with others in the aquarium. The same can be said for most varieties of shrimp.

It is also important to consider what other animals you are going to keep in the tank since the neon tetra and shrimp are both likely to become a meal for larger, more aggressive species. For new aquarists, these two creatures made a great addition to the tank as you get used to caring for freshwater animals.

Do Neon Tetras Eat Shrimp?

The neon tetra is an omnivorous fish which means that it eats both meat and plant-based foods. They are also opportunistic feeders and will attempt to eat anything that they can fit into their mouth. However, since the adult shrimp and neon tetra are almost identical in size, it is highly unlikely that the tetra will try to make a meal of the shrimp.

There are a vast number of shrimp varieties that you can keep in a freshwater tank and much like anything, there are those that will get on better with your neon tetras than others. If you are concerned that your fish may attempt to eat the shrimp then we would recommend going for the amaro shrimp. This is because these shrimp usually grow to around two inches which is typically larger than an adult neon tetra meaning that the fish would never make an attempt to eat one.

Things To Consider When Keeping Neon Tetra And Shrimp Together?

The neon tetra and shrimp will pair very well but even so, there are still a few things that you will need to keep in mind when it comes to making a home for these animals.

Ensure Plenty Of Hiding Spots

Shrimp are timid animals that will feel much safer when they have a lot of places around the aquarium to hideout. Not only this but since they can be sensitive to sunlight, having lots of hiding spots will ensure that the shrimp have somewhere to take shelter. While they will get on with the neon tetras, they might not want to interact with them too much and will appreciate a place to hide from their tank mates when the urge takes them. It is unlikely that the tetras will eat the shrimp but from time to time, they may try their luck.

Adding hiding spots to your tank doesn’t mean that you have to cram it full of unattractive items. The beauty of owning a freshwater tank is that you have the freedom to recreate a river bed or other freshwater body of water. You can do this by adding in objects such as driftwood and rocks. There are also a lot of manmade items such as tunnels that provide excellent hiding spots for shrimp.

But these decorations won’t only benefit the shrimp. Your neon tetras love to explore and will enjoy having a selection of things that they can investigate. Much like their tank mates, they will also need plenty of places to hide out when they need a little bit of isolation.


Shrimp are excellent tank cleaners and will get rid of any plant residues as well as leftover food from the fish. However, contrary to popular belief, they cannot replace a filtration system and so it is important that you still have one in place. Of course, your plants will also work in conjunction with this to the benefit of all life within the tank.

Generally speaking, a sponge filter is the best option or one that features an intake guard. However, you should ensure that you install a good quality filter as these two animals are very sensitive if the water is not kept just right.


One of the best things about keeping neon tetra with shrimp is that if you are introducing one species after the other, you won’t need to worry about making any adjustments to the water as both enjoy the same conditions.

Both the neon tetra and shrimp will be happy in a tank whose temperature is between 75ºf and 80ºf. You must also ensure that the pH levels are well balanced with these animals both thriving in conditions that are between 6.8 and 7.8. After you have set your parameters, it is merely a case of maintaining these. In a well-kept tank, this shouldn’t be too much of a pressing issue. But we must point out that this is of the utmost importance since shrimp, and especially neon tetra are very sensitive to any changes in the water.

As with all freshwater tanks, it is imperative to regularly change the water. This only needs to be a partial water change and you will need to do this every two to four weeks, aiming for a 25% change. Doing so will aid your filtration system and plants in keeping the water free from any dangerous elements.


When installing plants in your freshwater aquarium, you need to make sure that you have a good amount of variety. Your shrimp and neon tetras will appreciate a range of plant life from tall plants dotted around the tank through to java moss placed on the substrate at the bottom.

In any situation, plantlife is essential to a thriving aquarium especially when you consider that they have the ability to act as a natural filter. Of course, they will also provide some aesthetic appeal to the tank which is never a bad thing. Your plants will ensure that your fish and shrimp remain healthy as well as playing an important role in keeping the water in optimal condition.

While it is possible to purchase fake plants, we would always advise going for real ones to reap the many benefits. Not only will they keep the water clean but they will also provide your shrimp and neon tetra with lots of places to explore and hide.


When feeding your neons and shrimp, it is important to ensure that both species get everything they need nutritionally at the same time as not interfering with one another’s feeding routines. The reason for this is that, while uncommon, shrimp may end up becoming a meal for the fish particularly if the neons feel that the shrimp are in the way when they are trying to eat. That said, since neon tetras feed at the top and shrimp at the bottom, this is a minimal risk.

The best way to approach feeding the two species is to offer sinking pellets for the shrimp and provide the neon tetras with floating flakes. If your fish don’t finish these and they sink to the bottom, the shrimp will clear up any leftovers which is excellent for keeping the water clean and free from ammonia.


Neon tetras and shrimp make very good tank mates thanks to having very similar temperaments as well as needing the same water conditions. However, while there generally won’t be any issues, it is important to consider the individual needs of each species and provide them with everything they need to be happy.