Can Betta Fish Live With Goldfish

Can betta fish live with goldfish?

An aquarium brings a lively feel to the room as the fishes go swimming to and fro. Variety is the spice of life. Thus, people prefer keeping fishes of different breeds in the same tank to add more color and variety.

However, it is essential to study the types of marine life that has peaceful co-existence in order to ascertain that there are no conflicts between the tank mates. It is true that in natural surroundings, like sea or river, there are innumerable varieties found to survive harmoniously.

This is possible due to the sheer wide space they get to keep off from each other’s track, in case the breeds are unfriendly. Nevertheless, the same cannot be said about a limited space fish tank. Therefore, it is imperative that you ask the aquarist the variety of fish to select for your tank.



Betta fish are very popular with aquarium lovers because of their vibrant colors and majestic tail and fins. It is a point to be noted that these are best known as “Siamese fighters”, thus they are quite aggressive as compared to other breeds. Selection of other tank mates is crucial if we want a group of healthy and peaceful marine life in the house.

Aggressive as they may seem, but bettas are not totally unsocial. They do have harmonious co-existence with certain fish types. Some species that can share the tank with betta are ghost shrimp, Cory catfish, ember and neon tetras, guppies, Kuhli loach and African dwarf frogs.

Bettas are more comfortable with smaller sized fish and the ones who can adjust to their tropical life style and warm water.


Many people wonder if they can keep bettas and goldfish together in the same tank. They wish to select these two species for their sheer elegance and vibrancy. However, let us not forget that each fish type has its own living specifications and unless that is compatible, along with other reasons, with other species, the two cannot co-exist in the same tank.

Looking at the compatibility of bettas and goldfish, one can learn that there are more disparities than common ground between the two.

  • Aggression: It is a well-known fact that bettas are aggressive by nature. Nonetheless, goldfish even if not termed aggressive are known to be fin nippers. Bettas have long tail and fins and this fin nipping is bound to agitate them. They too retaliate in the same manner and therefore there can be constant conflicts in the tank.
  • Variable living conditions: Bettas are tropical fish that require warm water with a temperature of 78-80 degrees F. On the other hand, goldfish like cooler temperatures and prefer below 75 degrees F. Bettas need at least 5-10 gallons water tank for a comfortable living, whereas goldfish needs around 20 gallons for a single fish. Goldfish can be kept in a fish bowl, albeit a large one. However, the bettas need a tank with wider surface since they come up to gulp the oxygen from the atmosphere. Once in a while, a temperature drop to 60s is tolerable for goldfish, but bettas find it hard to survive in this since they are used to tropical, warm environment.
  • Cleanliness: Betta is a clean fish that does not pollute the tank water much. Goldfish, on the other hand, make a lot of fish waste and increase the level of ammonia in the tank. This is not favorable for the bettas as they get stressed in a high level of ammonia. Another cause of stress for bettas is the frequent change of water that becomes necessary when the goldfish contaminate it.
  • Diets: It is always easier to care for fish with similar needs in a single tank. If the diets are different then it can create a problem for the other species, since what is good for one need not be suitable for the other. In the case of bettas, they are carnivores that live off eating small insect larvae. Goldfish are omnivores that mean they survive on vegetation as well as protein. However, betta food is not suited for goldfish.
  • Size matters: Bettas are comparatively small sized fish that grow to a length of one to two inches with a body height of ½ to ¾ inches. On the other hand, full grown goldfish are anywhere between 8 to 12 inches long and their height can be over half their body length. Thus, as we can see, goldfish need more space for their growth and movement. Hence, there can be conflict for space in the tank or betta can be easily gobbled up by the goldfish.
  • Décor: Goldfish are fast swimmers as compared to bettas. Betta Fish like to rest around in shade and prefer a well planted tank that gives it ample scope to hide and rest peacefully. Decorations in the tank do not hamper their movements as they are slow swimmers and carefully steer their way through the clutter. Nonetheless, goldfish prefer open space for living so that they can have freedom of movement. This is particularly true because of their size and fast swimming ability. Secondly, since goldfish are primarily herbivores, there are chances that they eat up the live plants put in for decoration and leave the bettas unhappy.
  • Water preference: Fish are aquatic creatures and require a suitable marine environment for their proper growth and survival. Betta fish needs low flow water but the goldfish prefer faster currents. Goldfish like moderately hard water with higher pH level, which implies higher calcium content in water. On the other hand, bettas love soft water with little or no calcium content.


Considering the above mentioned points that clearly distinguish the living styles of goldfish and betta fish, it can be seen that the two species are in no way compatible as tank mates. Besides the conflicts of their individual temperaments, it is not advisable to keep both together as one of them is bound to suffer and create an overall unsuitable and unfriendly atmosphere for the other.

Fish are supposed to bring joy and liveliness to your place. It is only possible if you carefully select the tank and its contents. It is easy to be fond of aquatic creatures and keep them as pets. However, making the right choice and having a proper collection is essential so that all the fishes in the tank have a peaceful and healthy co-existence.

Keeping two opposite natured fish in the same tank can be a grave mistake. If we truly care for our pets, even though they are small fishes, then every care should be taken to ensure their comfort and well-being.

Betta fish are preferred by many for their elegance, vibrant colors and amazingly stylish long tail and fins. They are known to be fighters, but in the right company can make the aquarium wonderful and attractive by their presence. The aquarium gets a lively look because of the different plants –live or artificial and other decorations that one may add to keep bettas happy.

On the contrary, goldfish are open space lovers and thus their tank needs to be as bare and minimally cluttered as possible. Therefore, the only solace that you get is looking at the golden fish swim around in the tank, devoid of any tank decorations.

Another aspect is that a clean fish and a messy one cannot share the same space comfortably. This is exactly what happens if goldfish and bettas are teamed together. The bettas just cannot stand the dirt created by goldfish and either get stressed or fall sick. Polluted environment is sure to cause swimming disorder and fin-rot in bettas.

Selection of lavishly spread out fish in terms of fins and tails should end up in smaller and compact sized tank mates. This ensures that all the tank occupants have sufficient space of their own in the tank and each one has the freedom of movement it rightfully deserves.


It is great to be an aquarium enthusiast. Just like we keep other pets like cats and dogs, it is good to opt for aquatic creatures as pets. Nonetheless, blindly going in for purchase and buying fish without much knowledge and study can ruin the experience of having a great aquarium.

Thus, all enthusiasts should make a trip to the pet store and talk at length about your requirements and likes about aqua life. Let the experienced aquarist guide you to make the perfect selection of tank, fishes and other tank supplies. They know best and can give fool-proof combinations of various species that can adorn the aquarium. This way you will not only have a perfect aquarium set-up, but also be in a position to maintain it better with adequate guidelines.

The final question still remains in people’s mind –can they keep betta fish and goldfish together in single tank? And the answer to that will always be an emphatic “NO” from any aquarist.

So, pay heed to their advice and keep the two separate, even if you wish to have both the types in the house.